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465 Union Avenue
Suite A
Bridgewater, NJ 08807

tel: (908) 722-6410
fax: (908) 722-4638
Heart experts who care about YOU

Concierge cardiac care

Dedicated cardiologists from NJ
Quality over quantity

The whole human being, not just the pump

Concierge cardiac care

What's more important than ordering a cardiac test?
Meticulously collected history.
The way to the heart is through the ears (Katie Hurley).
Have you ever had any of these cardiac symptoms?
chest discomfort or chest pain
dizziness, lightheadedness, blackouts
palpitations or sensation of skipped heart beats
shortness of breath
leg swelling
pain in leg muscles that makes you stop walking
cardiac risk factors
If you have, New Jersey heart experts are here to assist you. We just moved into our brand new office conviniently located in Somerville (within 2 minutes from the Somerset campus of RWJ University Hospital)
What's more important than performing a cardiac test?
Expert interpretation of the results. Special attention to details.
Compare our test/procedure reports to the best US reports!
Any kind of:
heart rhythm monitor
stress test
cardiac catheterization and coronary intervention
peripheral vascular study
blood pressure monitor
pacemaker and defibrillator implantation, troubleshooting, and follow up
electrophysiology study and ablation
tilt table test
What's more important than treating a cardiac condition?
To treat the whole person, not just the heart.
Expert yet holistic approach to the following conditions:
cardiac risk factors (cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, etc.)
any kind of arrhythmias (tachycardia, bradycardia, sudden death, congenital)
coronary artery disease (angina, heart attack)
cardiomyopathy (weak or thick heart muscle)
valvular disease (leaky valves or tight vaves)
congenital heart disease
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